APPLIED(Dec-2024) |
1 |
Engineering Mathematics -1 (MA-101 ) |
2 |
Engineering Mathematics -1 (MA-101 ) |
3 |
Energy and Environment (EVS -111 ) |
4 |
Engeneering physics (PH-101 ) |
5 |
Workshop Technology (ME-103 ) |
6 |
Communication Skills (HS-111) |
7 |
Applied Chemistry (CHM-111) |
8 |
Computer Programming (CS-111) |
9 |
Engineering Drawing & Graphics (ME-102 ) |
10 |
Applied physics (PHY-111) |
11 |
Engineering Chemistry (CH-101 ) |
12 |
Basic Electronics engineering (EC-111 ) |
(May-2024) |
1 |
Law of Engg. (HS-410) |
2 |
Disaster management (HS-103) |
3 |
Business Communication(HS-201) |
4 |
Fundamental Of Electronic Engineering (EC-101) |
(Dec-2023) |
1 |
Applied Physics (PHY-111) |
2 |
Environment and Energy (EVS-111) |
3 |
Engg. Chemistry (CH-101) |
4 |
Computer and Fundamental & Programming (CS-101) |
5 |
Basic Electronics Engineering (EC-111) |
6 |
Basic Electrical Engineering (EE-111) |
7 |
Environment Science (HS-102) |
8 |
Human Value and Professional Ethices (HS-409) |
9 |
Communication Skill (HS-111) |
10 |
Sociology and Elements of Indian History for Engg. ( HS-306) |
11 |
Engg. Mathematics(MA-101) |
12 |
Applied Mathematics (MA-111) |
13 |
Workshop Technology (ME-103) |
14 |
Engg. Physics (PH-101) |
15 |
universal human values and awareness about hp (UHV-111) |
16 |
Business Communication (HS-201) |