Civil Engineering involves planning, designing & execution of infrastructure activities, viz buildings, roads, kingdoms etc and offers a multitude of Career opportunity. A Civil Engineer requires not only a high standard of engineering knowledge but also supervisory & administrations skills.
Vision of the Department
To produce engineers having professional and leadership qualities with capacity to take up
professional and research assignments in Civil Engineering and allied fields with focus on inter-
disciplinary and innovative approach and to compete at the global level.
1. To impart quality and real time education to contribute to the field of Civil Engineering.
2.To impart soft skills, leadership qualities and professional ethics among the graduates to
handle projects independently.
3.To develop graduates to compete at the global level.
Program Educational Outcomes PEO’s
PE01:- To impart quality education and knowledge in contemporary science and technology to
meet the challenges in the field of Civil Engineering and to serve the society.
PEO2:- To impart the knowledge of analysis and design using the codes of practice and
software packages.
PEO3:-To inculcate the sense of ethics, morality, creativity, leadership, professionalism, self
confidence and independent thinking.
PEO4 To motivate the students to take up higher studies and innovative research projects.
Program Specific Outcomes PSO’s
PSO 1: The graduates of this programme will be able to meet the needs of public in the design
and execution of quality construction work considering principles of mechanics, mathematics
and physics to construct sustainable buildings that will ensure safety and durability till the
service period.
PSO 2: The graduates will calculate the loads and the stresses acting on the building, analysis for
the loads and design sections of structures to sustain the loads using building analysis software
PSO 3: The graduates will be able to work effectively as an individual or in a team having
acquired leadership skills and manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.